

Has Foodservice Failed Us?

June 20, 2023|

This past Spring, as part of my Entrepreneurship class, I invited several guest speakers (mostly small business owners) to share their experiences, wit, and wisdom with my students. In all, we had eight incredible speakers across 16 exciting weeks. One morning in particular, our guest asked the class, "How many of you have worked in foodservice to make a little money?" Not a single hand went up. Zero. Zip. No one. Of my thirty-three students, none of them had ever worked in a restaurant or convenience store establishment. We had to pause in that moment to explore why - and what the consequences of that reality might be. Unexpectedly enlightening, it may have been one of the most telling moments I have experienced in two years as a university professor.

Sheer Insights: 2022, Year in Review

January 4, 2023|

Between teaching classes and consulting for clients, its nice to take a moment every now and then and take a deep(ish) dive into the world that informs and sometimes motivates our own behavior. If nothing else, the end of a calendar year gives us all the opportunity to look back and reflect on that which moved us to act, react, or simply marvel at how much things have changed - or stayed the same - in the year that was. Read on and please comment or share this inaugural issue, and I will aim to publish one each quarter in 2023.

Breakfast Club’ Business Lessons

July 19, 2022|

How are the differing needs of these distinct cohorts manifesting in the workplace? What kinds of challenges does this present for today’s workers and employers? And how does one of the most iconic movies of the 80s teach us how to grapple with these questions?

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